A Harder Brush Is Better
There are many types of toothbrushes to choose from, but the most important part of keeping your teeth and gums healthy is to brush longer with a soft brush. What kind of toothbrush should I use?
Baby Teeth With Cavities Are No Big Deal
Kids don’t just need baby teeth to chew with; the roots of their baby teeth help guide permanent teeth into place as they grow in. Healthy baby teeth are part of your child’s smile for life. How do I start good oral health habits in kids that last a lifetime?
It’s Too Late For Braces
While many people get braces in their youth, bite function and appearance can be improved into your 30s, 40s and beyond. With the many orthodontic treatment options available, adults don’t have to keep an outdated smile. How old is too old for braces?
Have A Baby, Lose A Tooth
Pregnancy brings many changes to the body. Poor oral health and tooth loss aren’t among them. Having a baby doesn’t have a direct impact on oral health, but the oral hygiene and diet habits of a mom-to-be may. How do I manage my oral health before and after the baby?
My Kid Doesn’t Eat That Much Sugar
Even nutritious foods contain surprising amounts of natural sugars which are just as damaging to young mouths as sugar-added treats, pop, and sports drinks. Take care of your teeth after eating and drinking because sugar hides in plain sight. How can I help my kid take care of their teeth?
The Older You Get The More Teeth You Lose
Nowadays seniors and older adults can look forward to a better oral health future than ever before. Today’s population is the first expected to keep healthy, functioning teeth for a lifetime. To do so, seniors have special oral health concerns and needs which must be addressed. How can I keep my teeth for many decades to come?
Whiter Teeth Are Healthier Teeth
Healthy teeth come in a wide range of natural shades. Bright white teeth may be stylish right now, but healthy teeth will never fall out of fashion. How do I make my smile healthy?
As every patient is different, contact our office today for an appointment to get the answers to your Mouth Myths.
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